Monday, November 21, 2005

Group Rupert - Episode Twelve.

The acquisition bothered Oscar. He found it hard to concentrate as Toby rambled on and on about 'going forward' and 'leveraging our strategic assets'. What did all the crap really mean anyway?

And the girl in Marketing was giving him the creeps.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Group Rupert - Episode Eleven.

Denise kept it to herself. The others just wouldn't understand. They couldn't imagine how she cried herself to sleep some nights, knowing deep down that Oscar didn't even realise she was alive, let alone a vital passionate woman, a woman with needs like any other. "Men could be such selfish pigs" she mused.

Meanwhile, Toby was fussing over next quarter's projections, certain he'd find a loophole...

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Group Rupert - Episode Ten.

"We are *all* individuals. We are *all* individuals". The Group chanted regularly. "Be your own deliverables, move foward, be an asset to the collective" was their mantra, as Rupert had taught them.

In their nicest suits these corporate Children of the Corn gazed skyward, as one, towards whatever destiny lay before them.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Group Rupert - Episode Nine.

“Toby is still making fun of me” complained Oscar. The girls were sick of his whining, and secretly sided with Toby, and thought his gags were quite funny, actually.

Denise still longed for Oscar in a way he could never reciprocate, unbeknownst to her.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Group Rupert - Episode Eight.

Vonzelle M'Buchee-Jones turned to Theo, and started to smile. "A profit earnings report you'd give your right nut for Theo", she purred, her manicured nails flashing in gesticulation. "Sales have gone through the roof. Shareholders are delirious."

The room went quiet. Even Colin was concentrating now.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Group Rupert - Episode Seven.

"Don't be a tool Colin." Colin felt relieved the delicate moment had passed, and thanked Theo silently.

"So, what have Finance go to say for themselves?" asked Theo. "What big news have you got for us today?"

Group Rupert - Episode Six.

Colin felt undervalued within the Rupert Group. His contribution had been significant, yet those in the Group often mocked his enthusiasm, his small hands. One day he'd show them.

"We need a strategy, going forward." he piped. Immediately, he regretted this foolish outburst. The Group remained quiet. Colin grinned. And continued grinning.

After some moments, Theo broke the stony silence.

Group Rupert - Episode Five.

It didn’t take long for the news to get around. Toby went straight to Oscar and told him the story.

”..and then Tricia saw how the books had been cooked, and you know, it got a little ugly….Hey, what happened to your hair??”

Oscar took the joke in his stride. It wasn’t the first time Toby had made that lame bald gag. Toby was such a dork sometimes.

Group Rupert - Episode Four.

Tricia took the news quite hard. She’d been given the Group’s quarterly results, and she was way pissed.

“I can’t believe those guys made a profit.” she cried. "What were their expenses…hold on, it says they didn’t spend *anything* last quarter…What the???"

Denise looked on, confused, seeking an answer. Later that day, she would speak with Toby. She had a plan

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Group Rupert - Episode Three.

“…and if I just change this figure to ‘zero’,” suggested Sheila, ”it will look like we never spent anything in the last quarter…What do you think???”.

Marmaduke looked on. The Rupert Group might just be saved. They must convene and strategise. Perhaps a meeting was in order..Yes, a meeting. With some suits, and nice shoes…

Group Rupert - Episode Two.

Toby and Rodney had long suspected Rupert of skulduggery. They knew he was after both of them. It was their jobs, or Rupert.

“We’re NOT going to let that happen! Toby, you get as much dirt on those bastards as possible. I’ll think of something to tell them for now…”.

The marketing people devised a plan, it just might work….

Friday, May 13, 2005

Group Rupert - Episode One.

"I've always thought that guy over there was a tool" quipped Toby, with a distint caustic tone. There were few in Group Rupert for whom Toby felt anything less than disdain.